Project 13: Computational linear elasticity, with applications to geological phenomena

Project abstract:  A mathematical model for the deformation of a structure due to external and internal forces is provided by the equations of linear elasticity.  This system of partial differential equations can generally only be solved approximately, by transforming them into a large linear system of equations.  This project involves developing and testing code for computing and visualizing these approximate solutions.  The eventual goal is to produce software that can handle realistic geological models related to phenomena such as landslides, lahars and floods.  Depending on the background and interests of the student, the project could develop in different ways, and we will determine the most appropriate goals for the REU after we have been able to meet a few times.
  • Linear elasticity
  • numerical methods for differential equations
  • computational methods in geology
Faculty Mentor: Jeff Ovall (
Lab or team: There is no lab, but a desk will be provided.  If necessary, a laptop will be provided as well.
Department: Mathematics and Statistics
Community partner(s): David George, US Geological Survey
Desired skills: Ability to program in some compiled language—modern Fortran or C/C++ preferred.  The code you will be working with is written in modern Fortran, but you do not need to be familiar with that language in advance.
Tools to be used: Desk, computer, paper and writing implements, ingenuity
Involves teamwork: No.